John to Abiel

                                                                                    Dudley, Nov. 28, 1864

Dear Brother

            Here I am in old Dudley once more at home on a furlough. I received a letter from you just before I left Amherst_ was glad to hear you was better fatting upon sweet potatoes.

            I hope the ague will not shake it all off.

            I have a vacation now of about six weeks, during which I shall visit, break the colt, and perhaps work some. Father has got his fall work done. Is there not much a fellow can do except cut wood. Hez is away now and I assist Lyman in the store some though I have forgotten about all I ever knew about the store. Prices change so much now a days one has to be around to keep posted. It don’t take much stuff to come to a dollar now. It is not quite as bad here as in Richmond where they carry their money to market in a basket and their provisions home in a wallet. We are having very warm weather now after having a few weeks of snowy and cold weather.

            We thought winter had set in but a few heavy rains soon carried off the snow .It seems real good to get home, if I haven’t been away but a short time.      

            The last week went off pretty slow seemed as if it would never be over.

            I had two or three calls to keep school this fall, but think I shall not accept any this winter. Frank Curtis’ wife received a letter from Frank today. He and John Davis were well and prisoners at Millen Georgia. (shell burst this page)1 They expected to be exchanged in a short time. Perhaps Sherman will release a squad of them pretty soon. If George was only with them how good it would seem. But it is not so.

            We have not heard from Loretta for a good while we are very anxious to hear from her.

            I wish it was so Hez could see you before he comes back but I suppose that is impossible now. Edwin is getting along slowly. His leg heals so slowly, he gets almost discouraged some times2. Anson has gone to Brookfield to work with Waldo3.

                                                                                    Your affect_

                                                                                    Bro. John


1 This refers to an ink spill on the paper.
2 Edwin D. Goodell was wounded in the ankle at Cold Harbor resulting in the amputation of his leg.
3 Anson Goodell’s post war letters describe living in Brookfield and working in a shoe shop with his brother Waldo.
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