Anson to Parents

Camp Oliver
Newbern, N.C.
Aug. 30th [1863]

Dear Parents

            Your kind favors of the 16 and 24 came to hand yesterday and today and were cordially welcomed I assure you for it has been nearly three weeks since I have received any mail from you.

            Our mail comes very irregular. Three boats are in the harbor together and our mail when it does come, comes in a heap. Yesterday and today I have received ten letters.

Probably it will be a week or fortnight ere I get anymore. I was glad indeed that your letter left you enjoying good health but I was sad indeed to hear of the sickness of uncle Waldo and the very sudden death of uncle Davis as we used to call him. It must be a heavy stroke of affliction to the family.

            How is it you have become so wicked on Dudley Hill that the lightning is meeting out judgment unto justice and making such havoc among property! I should like to have been on the hill and seen if you had such thunder & lightning as we have when a shower comes in earnest. The soldiers all agree that they never saw or heard such in New England.

            Have the doctors concluded what was the matter with Davis Healy. How sad I cannot make it seem that he is dead.

            The weather is getting cooler and we hope to see our sick list diminish accordingly but this cool air requires much care or the chills is the consequence. Morton had a chill today and another of my tent mates that has escaped being sick has suffered with a severe one.

            Edwin was sent back to quarters (as he told you in his letter I suppose) but the cold rain of Thursday gave him a cold and he went back to the Reg. Hospital stayed there during the day Friday and in the eve was sent to the City the location of the Gen. Hospital. I have not seen him since because I have been very busy making out Pay Rolls and Muster Roll and transferring clothing acct. of each man for the year ending Sept. 1st to the Pay Rolls.

            Now that Perry is away most of the writing falls on me. I had a hard days work with my pen Thursday (hard under the circumstances for I was then on the sick list) making out Invoices and Receipts of the Ordnance & Ordnance Stores of Fort Stevenson. The rolls are completed with the exception of a few remarks and I feel quite relieved. This is my first attempt at making them and I wait the Officers to see if they are correct or not. I hope they are.

            I am much obliged for those cards and stamps and also am glad to hear of the safe arrival of that $20 bill. Edwin has written for some shirts etc. and I would like after they are completed to have you make out my debit account since I have been in service and send it to me if it be not too much trouble. It would be pleasant to know what my liabilities are. You will oblige me such.

                                    Good bye Your dutiful son


[Written on top of first page]

I have been sick with a slow bilious fever but am nearly recovered – am on duty. My strength comes back very slowly – but little exercise exhausts me not a little – however I can eat and write and suffer no injury. I send that picture for which Mother asked. Love to Charlie Uncle Waldo etc.

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